You are in Annapolis. We also have a Southern Maryland site.

You are in Annapolis. We also have a Southern Maryland site.

You are in Annapolis. We also have a Southern Maryland site.

$29  Grand Opening Whole-Home Electrical Safety Inspection

$29 Grand Opening Whole-Home Electrical Safety Inspection

Promo Code: electricalinspect29

Expires: Jun 30, 2025

Whole home electrical saftey inspection only valid if electrical systems are accessible. Cannot be combined with any other offer or coupon. Offer applies only to customers in Anne Arundel location service area of which include Prince Georges County, Anne Arundel County, Howard County, and limited Baltimore County.

$29  Grand Opening Whole-Home Electrical Safety Inspection

$29 Grand Opening Whole-Home Electrical Safety Inspection

Promo Code: electricalinspect29

Expires: Jun 30, 2025

Whole home electrical saftey inspection only valid if electrical systems are accessible. Cannot be combined with any other offer or coupon. Offer applies only to customers in Anne Arundel location service area of which include Prince Georges County, Anne Arundel County, Howard County, and limited Baltimore County.